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Local therapy is widely used. Creams and ointments for the treatment of carbamazepine pills have an anti-inflammatory effect, dissolve excess keratinized deposits (keratolytic effect), reduce the severity of itching, cauterize vesicles, and stimulate skin regeneration. So, any chronic dermatosis requires a thorough examination to identify the cause of the disease. Depending on it, antibiotics, immunostimulants, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and other oral agents may be prescribed.

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For the treatment of skin lesions at home, decoctions and infusions of cheap tegretol medication plants with a drying, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect are used. Oak bark, birch leaf, aloe juice are very popular for the treatment of skin diseases. The complex therapy of chronic skin diseases includes treatment in a sanatorium, physiotherapy and balneological procedures, medical nutrition.

How many days does dermatosis go away? It depends on the cause and form of the disease, as well as on the timeliness of the treatment started. In favorable conditions, the resolution of the disease and the healing of the elements occurs within 7-10 days. However, often the disease lasts for months and years, causing discomfort to the patient and reducing the quality of life. Therefore, the prevention of skin diseases is important, aimed at eliminating the causes of dermatoses discussed at the beginning of our article.

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Rare types of dermatosis and possible treatments in the video. In modern literature, approx. 2 thousand Dermatoses. At the same time, clinical variants of the same Dermatosis often have independent traditional names (for example, manifestations of infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis - parasitic sycosis, kerion Celsi, etc.). A number of Dermatoses is hereditary (see Genodermatosis). Congenital D. should be distinguished from them, which arise as a result of intrauterine intoxication, infections, fetal circulatory disorders and are not inherited.

The following factors play a significant role in the pathogenesis of dermatoses. toxic damage to buy tegretol tablets, metastasis of microorganisms or tumor cells into it, impregnation with various chemical. substances (imbibition Dermatoses), etc. In the pathogenesis of D., neurogenic mechanisms are also important, in particular the viscerocutaneous reflex (see Skin), for example. with true eczema. D.'s development can occur by spreading patol. process on the next fabrics (eg, from limf, nodes in skin at kollikvativny tuberculosis).

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In some cases, skin symptoms suggest a diagnosis of an as yet undiagnosed disease of internal organs and systems. cancer - with the appearance of acanthosis nigricans (see), lymphogranulomatosis - for persistent painful itching, etc. D. can be one of the manifestations of systemic diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus (damage to the connective tissue system), hemoderma (damage to the hematopoietic system), allergic vasculitis (damage to the vascular system), etc.

One of the first attempts to classify Dermatoses, which now has only historical significance, belongs to J. L. Alibert, 1832, who divided all skin diseases into 12 groups (eczematous, exanthematous, cancerous, scabious, etc.). Morfol, D.'s classification was proposed by R. Willan (1785) and then somewhat refined by Bateman (Th. Bateman, 1815). In this classification, all skin diseases were divided into 8 classes. papular, squamous, exantematous, bullous, pustular, vesicular, tuberculous (tubercular), macular (spotted). Morfol, still continue to use the classification, in particular R. Degos (1953).